The Medicine of the Prophet, a Brilliant Text and Contemporary Certified Experience
I welcome you sisters and brothers and greet you with the greeting of Islam – Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you .
Some would like to view the Prophet's medicine as experimenters of the Arabs preserved by the Prophet (PBUH) from his folk or from the environment in which he lived in the Arabian area. This trend is a deviation from the truth and moves away from the full knowledge of the perfect Master, the Prophet who is sent to all mankind until the end of time. So will the 20th. C., people, whom the Prophet (PBUH) is sent to, rectify the wrong information about the one sent to them?
This trend indicates the ignorance the people who do not understand the Exalted Allah's statement: ":
{مَا ضَلَّ صَاحِبُكُمْ وَمَا غَوَى وَمَا يَنطِقُ عَنِ الْهَوَى، إِنْ هُوَ إِلا وَحْيٌ يُوحَى، عَلَّمَهُ شَدِيدُ الْقُوَى}{2}- {5}النجم
Your Companion is neither astray nor being misled, Nor does he say {aught} of {his own} Desire. It is no less than inspiration sent down to him; He was taught by One mighty in Power" (Q. 53, 1-5).
Transmitting any kind of knowledge from him (PBUH) is an established fact, whether it is legal rulings or the sciences of the universe and its knowledge.
I- Some Medical Preludes on the Medicine of the Prophet:
The Prophet (PBUH) preferred the physician who had more medical knowledge. When he met two physicians to treat a wounded man, he asked:
(أيكما أطبُّ؟)
"Which of you has more knowledge of medicine?".
2-The Prophet (PBUH) valued experience, and considered the scholar who got knowledge from reading without practical experience in a considerable period of time as lacking in wisdom. He (PBUH) said:
(لا حكيم إلا ذو تجربة).
"A physician should have experience".
3-The Prophet (PBUH) prevented those who are ignorant of medicine to practice medical treatment, and imposed punishment on whoever did that. He said:
(من تطبَّب ولم يُعلم عنه طبٌّ فهو ضامن).
"Whoever practices medical treatment without knowledge will be held answerable".
4-The Prophet (PBUH) permitted a skillful physician who was an unbeliever to treat the Muslims. Moreover, it was he, himself, who ordered calling this unbeliever physician. When the Prophet (PBUH) visited Sa'ad as the latter was ill, the Prophet (PBUH) ordered that the physician Al Hareth Bin Kaldah Ath Thaqafi (who was an unbeliever) to come and treat Sa'ad.
5-The Prophet (PBUH) allowed a male physician to treat a woman, and vice versa. In one of his books of interpretations on medicine, Al Bukhari (MBUH) asked: "Is a physician permitted to treat a woman, and a woman to treat a man?" Then he gave the answer by narrating a Hadith from Ar Rubaye' Bint Mu'awweth. She said:
"We used to go for military expeditions along with Allah's Apostle and provide the people with water, serve them and bring the dead and the wounded back to Medina".
6-The Prophet (PBUH) called for giving the patient hope of recovery, a process which is a major element in contemporary medical treatment. He (PBUH) said:
"إذا دخلتم على المريض فنفِّسوا له في أجَلِه فإن ذلك لا يردُّ شيئًا ويُطَيِّبُ نفْسَه"
"If you visit a patient, give him hope of long living, for though this does not prevent his death, yet it pleases him".
II-Some Drugs of the Prophet's Medicine:
1- Honey
The Exalted Allah said about honey :
{فِيهِ شِفَاءٌ لِلنَّاسِ}النحل : 69
"In it, there is healing for mankind" (Q.,16, 69).
A man came to the Prophet (PBUH) and said: "My brother had diarrhea". The Prophet (PBUH) said:
"اسقه عسلا"
"Let him drink honey". So he gave him that and then came and said: "I gave him honey but it has only made his bowels more loose". He said this three times; and then he came the fourth time, and the Prophet (PBUH)) said:
"اذهب فاسقه عسلا"
"Go and let him drink honey". He said: "I have done that, but it has only made his bowels more loose", whereupon Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said:
"صدق الله وكذب بطن أخيك اذهب فاسقه عسلا"
"Allah has spoken the truth and your brother's abdomen lied". So he made him drink honey and he recovered.
To understand the meaning of the Prophet's words (PBUH) ''your brother's abdomen lied", I would like to give the following explanation:
Lying is telling about something contrary to what it is in reality, intentionally or unintentionally.
In the above mentioned case, telling that diarrhea persisted with the use of the medicine was practical news which gave the illusion that recovery had not been achieved, while the fact was that the malady was in its way of recovery. It is permissible to describe the bowels as lying, because its practical news gives the illusion contrary to reality.
Contemporary researches discussed at length the antiseptic properties of honey that are anti-bacteria. Honey is proved to contain enzymes . It also contains tannin, a constipating material to help stop diarrhea. Consequently, honey symptomatically treats the symptoms of intestinal infection by stopping diarrhea, and kills the pathogens which cause it.
Further , honey contains substances similar to sexual hormones and this is one of the most important substances which assist in the renewing of the vitality of the human body .
The Prophet (PBUH) said:
"عليكم بالشفاءين العسل والقرآن" .
"Make use of the two elements of healing, honey and the Qur'an".
In explaining this Hadith, Ibn Mas'ud (ABPWH) said: "Honey is a cure for every disease, and the Qur'an is a spiritual healing of the chests".
2-Aloe ( Aloe vera )
Othman (ABPWH) narrated from the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) that if a man suffers from a sickness in his eyes while he is in the state of consecration, he should bandage them with aloe which means 'smear them with aloe' .
Um Salamah said: "When Abu Salamah died, the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) came to me after I had put aloe on my eyes. He (PBUH) asked me:
مَا هَذَا يَا أُمّ سَلَمَةَ؟
"Oh Um Salamah, what is that?"
I said: "Messenger of Allah, it is aloe void of perfume".
He said:
إنّهُ يَشُبّ الْوَجْهَ فَلاَ تَجْعَلِيهِ إلاّ باللّيْلِ. وَتَنْزِعِينه بالنّهَارِ "
"It makes the face look better (Yashubbu al wajeh), so put it only at night, and remove it in the day".
'Shabba ' means twinkles with light, that is, aloe lightens up the face and makes it more beautiful.
Al Minnawi said: Yashubbul Wajh (beautify the face) means making it more glowing and brighter in color.
The importance of Aloe in medical treatment:
Today, thousands of world companies race to extract cosmetics, pharmaceutical ointments and creams used for the improvement of the skin and the treatment of Acne, abdomen cracks after child birth, burns and wounds, and in some cases of sensitive skin. Aloe restores the natural color of the skin, and is used as precaution against sunburns. Moreover, there are recent studies for using it in restoring the cornea and conjunctiva.
Two researchers, Lawrence Plaskett, B.A., Ph.D., and C.Chem., F.R.I.C., did an experiment by making two wounds with a sharp instrument.
The first wound was narrow (first degree), and the second was larger (second degree). Then sterilizing Aloe was put on them immediately.
After 3- 7 days of using the Aloe, new layers of new skin and blood vessels were formed.
3- Olive (Olea europaea)
The Exalted Allah said:
{وَالتِّينِ وَالزَّيْتُونِ} التين : 1.
"By the Fig and the Olive" (Q.,95, 1).
and Allah said:
{يُوقَدُ مِنْ شَجَرَةٍ مُبَارَكَةٍ زَيْتُونِةٍ} النور: 35 .
and Allah said:"lit from a blessed Tree, olive " (Q., 24, 35).
And Allah says:
{وَشَجَرَةً تَخْرُجُ مِن طُورِ سَيْنَاء تَنبُتُ بِالدُّهْنِ وَصِبْغٍ لِّلْآكِلِينَ} المؤمنون: 20
"Also a tree springing out of Mount Sinai, which produces oil, and is relish for those who use it for food" (Q.,23, 20).
The Prophet (PBUH) said:
"عليكم بهذه الشجرة المباركة زيت الزيتون ، فتداووا به ، فإنه مصحة من الباسور"
"Make use of this blessed tree, olive oil, and treat yourself with it. It is good for hemorrhoid".
A'isha (ABPWH) said: "The Messenger of Allah used to recommend eating olive oil and taking it by way of the nose as medicine. He said:
إنه من شجرة مباركة"
"It is a blessed tree".
Today, it is recommended that healthy olive oil be taken since it has been proven that the other saturated fats cause accumulation of fatty deposits on the walls of blood vessels, and as a result, atherosclerosis, and obstruction of arteries occur in the heart and the brain.
The following substances exist in the olive oil:
- Non harmful fatty substances,
- Other useful fatty substances which contains phosphorus.
- Useful enzymes which break down fats
- It also contains vitamins such as A, B, C, D, and H.
- Natural coloring materials,
- Aromatic materials that give it special taste and smell.
- Some mineral elements such as: Fe, Mn, Ca.
- Unsaturated fatty acids in olive oil constitute 70-80%, and it is distinguished by its being liquid in ordinary temperature of the total acids of the olive oil.
- It also contains substances which regulate the digestive system and has antiseptic material for both the digestive and urinary systems.
• Olive oil is useful to patients who have liver disease, particularly since they suffer from disturbances in digestion and complain of constipation.
• Olive oil is used to treat certain types of anemia, and it is beneficial in the treatment of rickets in children by massaging the affected parts with olive oil and exposing them to the sun.
•Olive oil is good for diabetics.
• In a study by the U.S. National Institute of Cancer conducted on 820 women from women with breast cancer and 1584 non-infected women, it is confirmed that the rate of cancer disease was 25% less for women who use olive oil in their food.
• Olive oil is used to stop hair loss by rubbing the scalp each evening for ten days cover it in the night, then wash it in the morning.
All products of the olive tree are useful. Its fruit is healthy nourishment, its oil is nourishment and medicine, and the products of its squeezed fruit are used as fertilizer for the land and food for the animals. The Prophet (PBUH) told about the benefits of olive sticks. He said:
"نعم السواك الزيتون من شجرة مباركة يطيب الفم ويذهب الحَفَر وهو سواكي وسواك الأنبياء قبلي".
"Blessed is the Siwak/ stick of olive. It is from a blessed tree, for it is purification for the mouth and it removes cavity. It is my Siwak and the Siwak of the Prophets before me".
Olive sticks are used to clean teeth because they contain a large amount of natural antiseptics.
4-Palm Tree ) Phoenix dactylifera )
The Exalted Allah said:
... {وَالنَّخِيلَ وَالأَعْنَابَ ...} (11)النحل .
" … and date palms and grapes… " (Q., 16, 11).
The Exalted Allah addressed the Virgin Mary ( peace be upon her ) saying:
{وَهُزِّي إِلَيْكِ بِجِذْعِ النَّخْلَةِ تُسَاقِطْ عَلَيْكِ رُطَبًا جَنِيًّا}(25) مريم .
"And shake towards yourself the trunk of the palm tree. It will let fall fresh ripe dates upon you" (Q., 19, 25).
The Prophet PBUH said:
"من تصبح كل يوم بسبع تمرات عجوة لم يضره في ذلك اليوم سم ولا سحر".
"If Somebody takes seven 'Ajwa dates in the morning, neither magic nor poison will hurt him that day".
Dates contain 70% of sugar, 3% protein, about 3% of fat, and a large quantity of vitamins such as A, B, C. Moreover, it contains a good amount of phosphorus needed by the nervous system.
Due to its constituents, dates raise the degree of the body immunity. As a result, toxins that enter into the body will have no bad effects on it due to the greatest precautionary readiness it has taken in the early morning. The hygiene of the nervous system will have been raised to its highest degree with the blessings of the morning, and the believer's seeking refuge with Allah will prevent his falling in the clutches of witchcraft.
The Prophet (PBUH) said:
" أكل التمر أمان من القولنج".
"Eating dates is precaution against intestinal colic".
The medical explanation of this statement is that dates contain cellulose fibers which are good natural laxative substances, and this explains the prevention of the intestinal colic.
Sa'ad (ABPWH) said: Once, I was very sick, so the Prophet (PBUH) called on me and said:
"إنك رجل مفؤود فأت الحارث بن كلدة, فإنه رجل يتطبب فليأخذ سبع تمرات من عجوة المدينة فليجأهن بنواهن ثم ليلدَّك بهن".
"You are feverish , so go to Al Hareth Bin Kildah, for he is a physician. Let him give you seven of the Medina dates with their ground kernels and take it through the side of the mouth "
So, the Prophet advised him to take dates with its ground kernel because it was easily digested food, and an anti-bacteria medicine for the sickness that caused the rise of his temperature.
The Prophet (PBUH) said:
" لو علم الله أن شيئا للنفساء خير من الرطب لأمر مريم به.
"If the Exalted Allah knew a food better than the dates for the postpartal / the newly delivered mother to eat, He would have ordered Mary (PBUH) to do so".
The newly delivered mother is advised to take ripe and wet dates because they maintain regular bowel movement, and this causes no bad effects on the uterus.
The confined woman is recommended to have dates after giving birth because it contains a constrictive material to uterus, similar to the chemically made Oxytocin.
A'ishah said: "When the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) married me, my parents did their best to make me gain weight, but I didn't. The Prophet (PBUH) advised them to feed me Egyptian cucumber with wet dates. Consequently, I gained weight"..
This is due to the nourishing constituents of the wet dates and Egyptian cucumber.
5- Fig (Ficus carica)
The Exalted Allah said:
{وَالتِّينِ وَالزَّيْتُونِ} (1)التين
"By the Fig and the Olive" (Q.,95,1).
The Prophet (PBUH) was given a fig basket as a present. He said to his Companions: كلوا "Eat of it", and he ate from it. Then he said:
لو قلت إن فاكهة نزلت من الجنة لقلت هذه ، لأن فاكهة الجنة بلا عَجَم ، فكلوها فإنها تقطع البواسير ، وتنفع من النِّقرِس .
"If you ask me which fruit descended from Paradise, I would say this (meaning fig), because the fruits in Paradise have no kernel. Eat of it, for it heals the hemorrhoids and is useful for gout".
Gout is a well known disease in the joints caused by high uric acid.
The rate of sugar in fig is 60%.
In it, there are the following vitamins:, B1, B2, C, A.
Moreover, it contains iron, bromide , manganese and calcium.
It also contains flavonides and enzymes, a laxative and diuretic.
• Fig is easily absorbed, and it is beneficial in treating chronic constipation of the elderly.
• Fig syrup is useful for proliferation of milk in nursing mothers.
• Fig reduces the risk of blood clots in the arteries.
6- Grape vine ( Vitis vinefera)
The Exalted Allah said:
{وَعِنَبًا وَقَضْبًا} (28) عبس .
"And Grapes and nutritious Plants" (Q., 80, 28).
The Prophet (PBUH) said :
"نعم الطعام الزبيب يشد العصب ويذهب بالوصب".
s "Raisins is good food. It tightens the nerves and removes Wasab (continuous fatigue and pain)".
Az Zuhri said: The one who likes to remember the Hadith, let him keep eating raisins.
The grape is the fastest of the nourishments in arriving to the brain, as is mentioned in the Prophetic Hadith. It contains sugar, most of which is glucose (15%), protein materials (1.5%), fatty substances (1.5%) and some acids such as citric acid and tartaric acid , in addition to salts of potassium, calcium, phosphorus and a good amount of vitamin A, B, C, and the rest is water (81.6%).
• The grape is nutritious and is a laxative for the digestive system.
• The grape juice extends sputum in the chest and makes its exit easier and expands the tracheas.
• The grape juice can be used for washing and moisturizing the face.
• The grape seeds are considered antioxidant, therefore, it is protective of malignant cancers.
7- Pumpkin or Squash ( Cucurbita pepo )
The Exalted Allah said:
{{وَأَنبَتْنَا عَلَيْهِ شَجَرَةً مِّن يَقْطِينٍ} (146)الصافات .
"And We caused to grow, over him, a spreading plant of the Gourd kind" (Q.,37, 146).
The Prophet (PBUH) said:
"كلوا اليقطين ، فلو علم الله شجرة أخف منها لأنبتها على يونس ، وإن اتخذ أحدكم مرقا فليكثر فيه من الدباء ، فإنه يزيد في الدماغ وفي العقل".
"Eat pumpkin. If Allah knew a lighter tree than it, He would have grown it on Jonas, and if you cook broth, increase its pumpkin, for it strengthens the brain and the mind".
Squash and pumpkin belong to the same family. Squash is long, while pumpkin, a winter vegetable, is big and round.
In the Prophetic Hadith, pumpkin refers to squash.
In the Hadith, it is mentioned that the Prophet (PBUH) liked squash and he said:
( إنها شجرة أخي يونس ).
"It is the tree of my brother, Jonas".
It was narrated:
"عليكم بالقرع، فإنه يزيد في الدماغ .."
"Eat squash, for it strengthens the brain".
8- Pomegranate ( Punica granatum )
The Exalted Allah said:
{وَهُوَ الَّذِي أَنشَأَ جَنَّاتٍ مَّعْرُوشَاتٍ وَغَيْرَ مَعْرُوشَاتٍ وَالنَّخْلَ وَالزرْعَ مُخْتَلِفًا أُكُلُهُ وَالزَّيْتُونَ وَالرُّمَّانَ مُتَشَابِهًا وَغَيْرَ مُتَشَابِهٍ}(141)الأنعام
"It is He Who produces gardens, with trellises and without, and dates, and plantations with produce of all kinds, and olives and pomegranates, similar {in kind} and different {in variety}" (Q., 6, 141).
The Prophet (PBUH) said:
عليكم بالرمان ، فكلوه بشحمه فإنه دباغ المعدة.
"Do eat pomegranate with its flesh for it is tanning for the stomach".
More accurately , it is said to be the words of Ali ( PBUH ).
• The substance found in the seeds of the pomegranate is useful for expelling tapeworms.
• Eating pomegranate with fatty food helps in digesting it.
9- Onion ( Allium cepa)
The Prophet (PBUH) said:
إذا دخلتم بلاداً فكلوا من بصلها , يطرد عنكم وباها.
"If you enter a country, eat from its onion, for this repels its disease from you".
The onion contains vapour oil with the components of sulfur Onion is considered one of the anti-bacteria substances.
10 - Black Cumin ) Nigella sativa )
The Prophet (PBUH) said:
في الحبَّة السوداء شفاء من كل داء ، إلا السام.
"In the black cumin seed there is healing for all diseases except Assam (death)".
•It is useful in protecting teeth.
•It is useful in the common cold if it is ground and used in a package and smelt. A recent study indicated that it is useful in the swine flu. Moreover, it reduces asthmatic attacks.
• The black cumin is used in the treatment of impetigo .
11- Truffles\Mushroom ( Agaricus campestris )
The Prophet (PBUH) said:
"الْكَمْأَةُ مِنْ الْمَنِّ وَمَاؤُهَا شِفَاءٌ لِلْعَيْنِ" .
"Truffles is like "Almann ", and its water heals eye-diseases.
The truffle contains metal salts , vitamins and fatty substances, as well as sugary materials and cytoplasm .
Dr Moataz Marzouqi (Egypt), conducted a research on this issue presented in the Conference of the Prime Islamic Medicine. In his research, Dr Moataz indicated that the use of truffle water reduces the occurrence of fibrosis following injury, and allergic inflammatory kind. This explains the Prophet's statement (PBUH): "its water heals the eye".
The Prophet (PBUH) came to A'isha while a woman with her child was with her. Blood was flowing from the nose of the child. The Prophet (PBUH) asked:
ما شأن هذا ؟
"What is the Matter with this child?" They said: "He has Al Uzrah (tonsillitis). He said:
(ويلكن، لا تقتلن أولادكن، أية امرأة يأتي ولدها العذرة فلتأخذ قسطا هنديا، فلتحكه بالماء ، ثم تسعطه إياه) .
"Woe on you, do not kill your children. If any of your children has tonsillitis, let his mother take a Hindi stick, rub it with water, then put it in its nose".
Then He (PBUH) ordered A'isha to do that with the child, and he recovered..
In another version, he (PBUH) said:
علام تدغرن أولادكن بهذا العلاق عليكن بهذا العود الهندي فإن فيه سبعة أشفية من سبعة أدواء .....
"Why do you insert this Alaalaq (twisted piece of cloth inserted in the nose of the child). Do use the Hindi sticks instead, for in them, there is cure of seven diseases".
In Arabic, AI' aalaq is treatment of the child's tonsillitis by means of putting the mother's finger in the throat of the sick child to push the tonsils.
In treating tonsillitis, women used to twist a piece of cloth and jab it into the child's nose, so black blood would come out of it. This jabbing is called Daghar.
Kyara contains vapor oil and Alliun, as well as gummy materials and Halolenin, an anti-bacteria substance which is one of the most powerful disinfectants.
13- Senna ( Cassia senna )
From Asma' Bint Omays who said: Once the Messenger of Allah asked me:
بم تَسْتَمشِيَن؟
"What do you use as laxatives?" I said: "I use Shibrum". He said:
حارٌّ جارٌّ
"It is hot and causes diarrhea". Then she used Senna as laxative. The Prophet (PBUH) said:
لو أنَّ شيئاً كان فيهِ شفاءٌ من الموتِ لكانَ في السَّنا.
"If there were anything that would be healing from death, it would have been in senna".
It also contains intrakinon glycosides which can act as a
natural laxative .
14- Quince ( Cydonia oblonga )
From Talha who said:"I visited the Prophet (PBUH) while he was holding a quince in his hand. The Prophet (PBUH) said:
دُونَكَهَا، يَاطَلْحَةُ! فَإِنَّهَا تُجِمُّ الْفُؤَادَ.
"Oh Talha, take it, for it relieves the heart, mends it and makes it regain its activity".
The quince contains material antidote to poisons, anti-diarrhea, protein, apple acids, and vitamin A, B, C.
Its fruit contains acids of tannins, pectin and fruit acids.
15- Henna ( Lawsonia inermis )
From Salma who used to serve the Prophet (PBUH), who said: “In the life of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH), no injury or sore but was treated by applying Henna to it".
In another version, from Salma, (supported by), the Messenger of Allah (PBUH), and his maidservant. She said:
"Whenever a man who suffers from pain in his legs comes to the Messenger of Allah (PBUH), he said :
اخضبهما بالحناء.
use Henna"..
The leaves of Henna and its fresh stalks contain coloring materials and fatty substances .
Some medical components in Al-Sunna:
1-Talbinah or Talbin.
The Prophet (PBUH) said:
"التلبينة مجمة لفؤاد المريض ، تذهب ببعض الحُزْن".
"At−Talbina gives rest to the heart of the patient and makes it active and relieves some of his sorrow and grief".
When somebody died, A'ishah used to order a bundle of Tabinah, cook it, then she would cook Tharid (a dish of bread, meat and broth), and pour At Talbinah on it. Then she would say "Eat from it, for I have heard the Messenger of Allah said:
:"التَّلْبِينَةُ مُجِمَّةٌ لِفُؤَادِ الْمَرِيضِ تُذْهِبُ بَعْضَ الْحُزْنِ".
"At−Talbina gives rest to the heart of the patient and makes it active and relieves some of his sorrow and grief".
The Prophet (PBUH) said:
"عليكم بالبغيض النافع : التلبينة، فو الذي نفسي بيده إنه ليغسل بطن أحدكم كما يغسل الوسخ عن وجهه بالماء.
"I recommend you to have the useful disliked, i.e., at Talbinah. By the One in Whose Hand my soul is, Talbinah cleans the bowels as you wash the dirt from your face with water".
At Talbinah is a soup made from flour or bran added to honey or milk. It is called Talbina because it is similar to milk in its whiteness and softness.
2- Barley (Hordium distichon) and Chard (Beta vulgaris)
From Um Al Munther, daughter of Qais Al Ansari, who said: "The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) visited me with Ali (ABPWH) who was in recuperation. We had suspended grapes on vine trees. The Prophet (PBUH) began eating from them, and Ali tried to do the same, but the Prophet (PBUH) said to him:
مَهْ إِنَّكَ نَاقِهٌ
"Oh Ali, Stop doing that, for you are in recuperation", and Ali stopped eating. Um Al Munther said: "I cooked a soup of barley and chard, and presented it to them. The Messenger of Allah said:
يَا عَلِيُّ أَصِبْ مِنْ هَذَا فَهُوَ أَنْفَعُ لَكَ.
"Oh Ali, eat from this, for it is more useful for you".
Chard contains vitamins A, C and is rich in iron and calcium. It is prescribed for people with anemia.
Barley contains proteins, sugars, starches, fats, and vitamins B. It is an excellent food for recurperation.
In conclusion , it appears to us as we compare some of the prophetic texts and what the contemporary research has arrived at , we can see that the words of prophet Mohammad (PBUH ) more than 14 centuries ago , could not be but the words of the messenger of Allah , he who does not utter anything of his own accord , but it is no less than an inspiration sent down to him .
Thank you for having me as your guest and Peace be upon you